Sunday, September 21, 2014

a trip to no man's land...

a trip to no man's land
initially i felt like um on errand
it all happened so quick
that some of our relationship pricked

while planning sometime it all got screwed
never had expected there will be only people properly i knewed
a tinch of joy entered in our lives
with starting of our journey i felt like playing a fife

first day was so much fun
to start for the 1st place we had to run
had to see many places which were entwined
but more than that some of our own we had to find

saw Raja place to his view point
which history had made some joint
was so much engrossed in natures beauty
had not even noticed some gals beauty

we went in the clouds 
touching them we shouted very loud
wanted fill whole my lungs with purified air
but being a human we have some limited layer

we all slept next night very tight
some of us didn't even felt mosquitoes bite
next day was so much light
and still we had to see many sights

went to a holy place
a place where holy kaveri originates
reach on the top of cliff
there is no words to express that bliss

as it all ended very well
in the night we had our stories to tell
saw love for a friend to love for a brother 
came to know in life, how much they all suffer

as some roads have their ends
our trip also came to an end
had wished to live there till eternity
the best was in life got few more fraternity......