Friday, May 25, 2012

the way you left is  an irony
that our story is now an acme
as, moving this far ahead
few thought recently came in my head

last night before i went to bed
thoughts of u filled my head 
though i have not cried this way in many years 
onto my pillow fell six silent tears 

the first one was for your smile that i miss 
and in your presence my remiss
the second was for your angle face 
and thoughts of your loving embrace 

the third came as no surprise
as i thought again of your beautiful eyes 
the fourth came rolling
when i thought of those precious time,
which we spent together day and night

the fifth came for one reason that i was alone 
i felt my love for you wasn't fully shown 
and then at last has fallen sixth silent tear 
making me realize that i love u so much dear 

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