Saturday, April 21, 2012

when it comes to forget you, its queasy....

moving on is not so easy
when it comes to forget you, its queasy
yeah i can just pretend 
have to say sumthng, but have to wait for the end
these words always give me a chance 
my emotions are true, they are not  prance
as ur thoughts always took me in trance

they pull my leg and say your name every time 
i choked, as they reminds me what i try to forget every time 
every sec i think of you loving
with goin time it is just accruing
i care bcoz i love you a lot 
i stare bcoz you never gave it a thought 
i want you to be mine and mine always
i will give you love and freedom in my embrace
i waited for you minutes to hours
when you came, even hours went flowing as drop of showers
i wanna say it to you but um just not able
scared if i tell you, then will everything be stable
i thanked to the god for giving me something so special
but didn't knew for my good deeds it was for rental
yea you are so special and um up for you
with words less and feelings more
i love you with every moment that passed before
you say every time BABY THIS IS ALL JOKE 
i can only say i live you round the clock
its just that i dont wanna loose you
but from bottom of my heart i wanna say baby I LOVE YOU...

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