Wednesday, February 22, 2012

i know your life can go on with out me...

i know your life can go on with out me
that you can be happy with out me
that you can survive with out me
knowing truth i moved myslf away
but fate always brings in your way

i tried to run away so far
but found you in my every part
they say you have not even tried
how will they know after failing so many times,
how much i haved cried
i stood after each of my fall
in hope that this time i will make this wall
in hope of losing her memory i realised
that  those memory are so beautiful that,
if i forget i will die
that smile, that eye, that innocence,
that aliment, that appellant...
there was so much that act as a repellent

i got confusd, what is this fever
that evrytime face of yours acted as fender

so finally i decide, i will still choose to stay with you
and be your sweetest luving stranger with out letting know you....

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